Wednesday, 10 October 2012

New Car

Although we took possession of our new car last week. We are only now driving it. As we had filled up our QF car last week and wanted to use the petrol, we are so tight.

Its a very smooth drive and I like being raised up so I can see over bonnets at roundabouts and over traffic barriers. Zephyr likes it as she has her own drinks holder in the back.

For the record we are driving a Hyundai Sante Fe V6 3.5L 4wd.

In the background is our local mosque, ranked 32 out of 4,623 of mosques in Qatar on Tripadvisor.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Land of surprises

The other day I was driving to pick Zephyr up from school. I turned left into a street and there was a shepherd with 30 sheep walking down the middle of the road.

Yesterday on the bus going for my medical, I saw a road off a roundabout under 2ft of water.

Then this morning I woke slightly earlier than usual at 5.45am, opened the curtains and was confronted by a very thick mist.

The land of wonder.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

what will be happening tomorrow

This sign was propped up against our house (beyt) when Z and I got home from school (Chris was off having his medical - an important step towards getting his Residence Permit which is the key to all things here.) I wonder if we will be home to see it. I guess the house will get blasted with water. Wonder if the windows will get a wash too. I brought in the washing, which dries on the terrace overnight.
Tomorrow is Teachers' Day and Z's class have been asked to bring in breakfast goodies for their teacher, Ms Harris. We bought a pomegranate for Z to take - a recently discovered new taste for Z.